Friday 4 February 2011

Anti-Christian Europe

Each year, the European Commission publishes a European school diary for schoolchildren throughout the European Union. Three million copies of the 2010-2011 version of this diary, distributed to schools free of charge at the request of teachers, have been produced.
The current version of this diary gives the dates of Islamic, Sikh, Hindu and Chinese feast days but does not mention any Christian feasts. It does not even refer to Christmas. This omission obviously is irrational since the pivotal role of Christianity in the European history is an undeniable and historical fact.

Please sign an online petition asking that: the school diary, in its current version, not be distributed, and that the future 2011-2012 diary explicitly mention Christian holidays. You can sign the petition here:


Richard Collins said...

Of course I will sign Father but we are heading in the same direction here.

Simon Platt said...

I think this must be a little late, father. The 2010/11 diary must have been distributed months ago. And, actually, I'd rather that this EU propaganda was not distributed at all. Have you read it? (